Swanie Juhng

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Swanie Juhng

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Research Interests

Swanie Juhng is a third-year PhD student doing research in natural language processing and psychology. Her research interest lies in utilizing linguistic cues and nonlinguistic variables to predict and analyze the mental health problems, specifically anxiety and depression.

Sid Mangalik

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Sid Mangalik

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Sid Mangalik is a Ph.D. student in natural language processing at Stony Brook University working with Andy Schwartz. His previous studies focused on the intersection of artificial intelligence and psychology, where he worked with Ritwik Banerjee on language use in scientific writing and among abusers. His current research is working on identifying connections between community-level language and psychological outcomes. He is the lead data scientist at Monitaur, a start-up focused on making machine learning models fairer, safer, and more transparent. In his free time Sid writes music and released his first album in 2020

Adithya V Ganesan

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Adithya V Ganesan

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Adithya V

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Research Interests

Adi is a computer science PhD student working with Prof. Schwartz in NLP problems with a human focus. His recent and ongoing projects inform the computational social science community of effective ways to use state-of-the-art NLP tools for human-focused NLP problems. His contributions to open-source have helped this community to conduct faster research on data at scale without being limited by inexperience in programming. During his bachelor’s, his research in time-series focused on non-stationary time-series in volatile systems. He also served as the first data scientist at Motorq (a connected car data platform), where he identified and solved some of the primal problems for the company. From Fall 2021, he will be a Ph.D. student at Stony Brook advised by Dr. Schwartz. During the school days, you can find him in his natural habitat for most of the week: Room 242 (Data Science and Analysis lab), New CS Building

Vasudha Varadarajan

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Vasudha Varadarajan

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Vasudha is a third-year Ph.D. student working in the areas of natural language processing and the relationships between cognition and language, especially in the context of social media. She is particularly interested in understanding the cognitive style of users through their language usage.